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The Secret to Looking Hot in Your Sexy Halloween Costume

Brandi Vun|

It’s spooky season, and that means parties, candy, and one of the best excuses to dress up as wildly as you like. After all, as an adult, Halloween is all about expressing the sides of us we usually hide in the darkness. And for many of us, it’s an excuse to bear all and unleash a little bit of sex appeal. What’s hotter than masks, tights, fangs, and fog?

We all want to look and feel fierce on Halloween, especially when wearing a sexy Halloween costume from Rave Fix. Here are some tips to help you look and feel sexy and spooky in your Halloween costume this year.

Be Good to Your Bod

If you want to absolutely glow in your sexy costume, fill your body with healthy goodness. As the days leading up to Halloween draw near, eat meals and snacks that include a healthy dose of vitamins and nutrients. Make sure you get enough sleep at night and drink plenty of water. Remember: it’s Halloween. Candy will be everywhere! Prepare your body for the sugar rush by treating it well the week before. Your sexy costume is sure to make an impression, but so will your healthy-looking hair, skin, and nails.

Try on Different Looks

When shopping for sexy women’s Halloween costumes, don’t be shy. Try on as many different costumes as you can. This will help you understand what fabrics and styles fit your body the best. Play around with accessories like capes and belts to create a look that highlights your best assets. This may take a bit of time, but finding a costume that makes you look and feel your sexiest will boost your confidence--and with more confidence, you will have more fun!


Match the Makeup

Remember: your sexy costume is the main focus, and your makeup plays the supporting role. Pick one feature and make that stand out. For example, combine smoky or dark eye makeup with a muted berry nude, or other neutral shades of lipstick. Create a pop of color by using an alluring red lipstick with neutral or soft hues around the eyes. Or, if you want a bolder look, play with light and shade, or mix and match pastel or jewel toned colors.

Be Yourself

Every woman should know that the sexiest trait someone can rock is confidence. Wear whatever sexy Halloween costume makes you happy -- and don’t think for a second about what other people think. Confidence is all about loving yourself from the inside out. The more love, respect, and confidence you feel for yourself on the inside, the hotter you will look on the outside. Feeling good in your unique skin will help you look extra stunning in your sexy Halloween costume this year.

Remember that you are allowed to wear whatever you want on Halloween. So as you are counting down the days in October, focus on taking care of yourself and all the fun you are going to have with your friends on the big day. Rave Fix has a wide selection of ladies’ Halloween costumes that you will love. Take a look through our inventory today! Got questions? Contact us through email at, or call us at 510-592-7584.

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